Building digital shapers

Volunteer Work | TechLabs
Project Overview
TechLabs provides a platform for young people that enables them to acquire State-of-the-Art Tech-Skills in order to solve the problems of our time entrepreneurially and digitally. As a non-profit organization, we are dreaming of a world full of digital shapers.
  • Effective Learning
    We offer the most effective way to develop tech domain expertise. We achieve this through a revolutionary program that is based on blended learning.
  • Learning at scale without boundaries
    We bring our offering to as many ambitious people as possible. In particular, to those who need it the most and/or create the most impact.
  • Connecting People
    We aim to connect people across different disciplines, professions, cultural and educational backgrounds along their personal learning journey.
My Contributions
Working at TechLabs means volunteering to shape digital education. As a member of the Partnerships team, I worked on establishing strategic partnerships since January 2019 in the following initiatives:
  • Actively seeking fundraising and partnerships opportunities as well as caretaking two large partner companies
  • Restructuring local partnerships team in Münster to a global support unit and setting up long-term strategy
  • Serving as member of the founding team of TechLabs Berlin to spread our vision of a world full of digital shapers to another location
Our Vision
At TechLabs we dream of a world full of digital shapers. Individuals who use technological tools to approach the challenges of our time with a digital and entrepreneurial mindset. As a learning accelerator for technology skills, TechLabs designs pioneering learning journeys for our communities. It's a place where diversity meets personalized learning paths. A place where beginners meet experienced mentors. A place where curiosity meets powerful learning resources. A place where online and offline learning are not just two separate sides of the same coin, but perfectly blended together into a holistic learning concept. A place where ambitious individuals meet like-minded people to solve pressing issues by means of technology.

Global and Münster Partnerships Manager
As a Global Partnerships Manager, I was responsible for developing strategies to secure general fundraising and creating partnerships with relevant stakeholder, critical to the TechLabs mission. This includes the development of partnerships with corporate partners, non-profit organizations, and political associations.

Besides that I served as a Partnerships Manager for the Münster Location, acquiring new clients by pitching our vision and managing several corporate partnerships with prestigious corporate partners.

Co-Founder TechLabs Berlin
Serving as member of the founding team of TechLabs Berlin meant spreading our vision to another location making it available for even more potential digital shapers. Therefore, we set up the location and accompanied the starting process.

Visit the official website here:
Global Partnerships Manager
& Co-Founder TechLabs Berlin
Jan 2019 — Jan 2022